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Logo Competition

An important part of the project is to design a LOGO with which any person can identify COS (Click on Sustainability).  This logo, once it is chosen, will become property of COS and be used in any material, document or activity linked to this Erasmus + project.


The students who want to take part in the logo competition will find the RULES on the door at the back of the high school in a QR code. Students will need a smartphone application to be able to read them.

If you want to take part in the competition, hand in your design before DECEMBER 17Th. The Arts Teachers, Erasmus+ teachers and the Headmaster will choose 3 WINNERS, who will receive a PRIZE. 


The 3 winning logos will be published on the project’s website. After that, the Erasmus+ students, their families and the Erasmus+ teachers will vote to decide who the final winner is from the 21st of DECEMBER to JANUARY 14TH. This final winner will be announced by the 21st of January.

Captura de pantalla 2021-12-09 a las 12.18.54.png

The 12 finalists

© 2021 Leire González de Tejada.  Creado con

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